Tuesday 10 March 2009

Switching to 3rd Dimension

Yesterday I started working with 3DS Max. Now, that's not really true, because I've already worked in it several years ago, but it doesn't really count since I haven't created anything at that time. But now it's different - and at this point I simply must mention a tremendous amount of work that people at 3D Buzz put into their video tutorials. They are free, fun, simple and awesome.

Thanks to their help, I was able to learn the Max fundamentals in just two days (in fact, during one night) and today I created my very first model. A chair. (I better write it down, in case you didn't know what you're looking at :-))

I know, I know, it's nothing fancy, really. But I'm just so overwhelmed by the infinite options that Max gives me that I simply can't force myself not to write this post.

I have no idea how could I do the animation and even 3D compositing in After Effects. 2D compositing - After Effects only. But when you want to play in 3D, go for Max.

- Martin

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